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Metal staple fibre blended yarn used metal staple fibre blended yarn strength

http://www.hzctjz.com/ Xinxiang xinfeng textile 2014/2/25 14:58:41

Metal staple fibre blended yarn is a new generation of new environmental protection fiber, metal staple fibre blended yarn is made of high quality metal staple fiberpolyester, cotton, polyester cotton, acrylic, bamboo fiberbamboo charcoal fiber blended by certain proportion.

Metal staple fibre blended yarn

Metal staple fibre blended yarn are widely used in the electromagnetic radiation shielding textile materials, microwave, shortwave electromagnetic shielding materials, vehicles, edible glassware, glass mold coating buffer material, resistant to high temperature gas filtration, flame retardant, non-combustible material, conductive, eliminate electrostatic material, cutting resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance to friction, heat resistant buffer material, high-temperature sound-absorbing materialsmilitary applications, medical use permanent durable materials such as paper, special function.

Metal staple fibre blended yarn strength

Using high quality metal staple fibre, not an oxidation reaction, effect is more outstanding. Performance is permanent, repeated washing also spoil the electrostaticelectromagnetic radiation prevention effect.

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