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2015 popular color,very Beautiful

http://www.hzctjz.com/ Xinxiang xinfeng textile 2014/9/4 18:12:21

2015 popular color,very Beautiful

2015 popular womens spring / summer color trends

             Popular color in spring / summer 2015 released, including violet, blue water, rust etc.. This springsummer color is very diverse, with the colors of the year began to appear some cold tone, neutral tone light talent showing itself desert, keep in the forefront of this season, rich jewel tonesnate theaters. And the top ten colors are as follows:

One, fast blue

The beautiful blue water (AUQA) with energetic movement surfing.

Two, grapefruit

Grapefruit appears as a new color at the Milan show, let it in the middle of 2015 performance can not be ignored.

Three, rust

As if the neutral tones the desert, rust color will become the most cutting-edge fashion color.

Four, chrysanthemum

Marigold - gold, has different connotationsother shades of gold color.

Five, custard

Soft creamy yellow bring soft texture.

Six, lavender

Romantic lavender will continue to be popular.

Seven, clover

A new green colors appear, this is the saturation high clover grass.

Eight, poppy

Red is a color of springsummer essential, as brightly as poppy.

Nine, electric blue

Electric blue has achieved popularity, as a commercial fashion colors, 2015 will continue to rise.

Ten, dark green

Green has become a very important commercial fashion colors, can be expected is also in 2015 shows a more eye-catching performance.



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